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[NA] (PvX) <MIST> Nightmare of Shadowed Thorns (New Player + Social + Casual Focused)


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Hello New Players, Vets, and other breeds of players! 

A little about the guild in general~ Long story short, I joined several different guilds when starting Guild Wars 2, only to find out that it was challenging to find a more social guild that actually did things together. With that being said, this is my attempt at putting one together myself, and so far, it seems to be going pretty well. Granted, I am new to being a guild leader, and I have plenty to learn both as a guild leader, and as a GW2 player. I am excited to see what my future GW2 Career has in store!


  • Peak Hours? 
    • So far, the guild has done a pretty good job at maintaining around 30-60 people actively playing at any given time throughout the days, as we are pretty scattered throughout the time zones!
    • That being said, our peak is 6PM EST -> 11PM EST
  • When are scheduled Events?
    • Our Events range between 4PM EST to 11:30PM EST
  • What type of events do we have? 
    • Click Me to see an example list of events we run
    • Guild Missions
    • Strikes
    • Fractals
    • Dungeons
    • World Boss
    • HP Trains
    • sPvP & Duels
  • Are there any rules or requirements? 
    • Our only real requirement is joining the Discord 🙂 
    • We follow all of the rules in the GW2 ToS, as well as Discords ToS, but beyond that, we have what we refer to as, "tenets" which are more like general guidelines
    • We do also have an inactivity policy in place in order to prevent too much bloat from occurring, as we have an open door policy, unfortunately we will get people who start playing GW2, join our guild, and leave the very next day 🙂
  • Do we do WvW, Raid Content, T4s, CMs? 
    • We did try doing Raid content as a guild, and there was too much work involved honestly, if we end up finding someone willing to host within the guild, we will allow it, however, raiding is not our focus, and it never will be
    • WvW has been talked about, but most likely will not be pursued at all until the alliance update is released.
    • Tier 4's and CMs are not this guilds focus, as these are viewed to be more peak end game content.  However, we do have some members that participate in these.
  • We Generally Try to Keep The Guild Clean!
    • Our Inactivity policy can be found here
    • The Purge, which can be found in the inactivity policy, takes place every so often. However, this is just general guild maintenance, not a banishment. If anyone finds that they have been purged, they are always welcomed back. We are also pretty good at letting people opt out of being purged. 

At the end of the day, MIST is a guild with the primary focus of being a relaxed, social, and chill environment. We kinda do whatever, in any moment we are playing, just randomly talking to people, doing random dungeon runs, random pvp, random jumping puzzles. Our goal is to just have fun with the people we like spending time with. 

If you would like to join MIST, we have an open door policy, everyone is welcome to give us a shot!

Guild Leader: KenoZuki.5082 / Discord: kenozuki

Co-Leader: Mysterii.8065 / Discord: sailor_scout_moogle

Discord Server Invite

Edited by KenoZuki.5082
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