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Glacial Heart/Blow and Symbols


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I think that glacial heart should be merged with glacial blow ( glacial heart is not even in the game since 2018 so why not combine em into 1 trait the unblockable imo is needed to balance the slow cast speed of the Hammer 2 spells

And symbols are rly lame in PVP why we dont get instant full dmg from symbols just in PVP ( or give us trait that makes symbols instant dmg )
GS works only with willbender cuz they have good traits and whriling light for extra dmg if any other spec uses GS feels rly rly bad to use GS 2 animation is too long recently we got GS 5 animation rework and feels rly good to use but GS 2 is dogshit

P.S sry for the bad eng  🙂

Edited by Diviora.9548
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