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[NA][PvX][lake] Hidden Rivers is a small, quiet respite for adventuring - Accepting new members


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Hidden Rivers [lake] is North America Guild Wars 2 guild that is recruiting and the only definite requirement is being kind!  Basically it's a small guild, with less than 10 members currently but if anyone is interested in joining then here is some information about it:

Guild Priorities:

  • Having a great time playing!  This means a casual but focused gameplay style from the leader, but to other members a play style may mean something else.  We respect that and want you to have fun your way - as long as you are kind!
  • Exploring, Story Missions (Quests), Enjoying World Events.
  • Being helpful and positive to guild members as well as extending that kindness to players in our groups, games or maps we are playing in.
  • Strong independence, taking initiative and utilizing resources that you have to collaborate with members.

Things not required: 

  • Contributing to guild hall/guild bank/etc, contributions do help but it is not a priority for the guild unless we have a growing demand.
  • Tagging up, only if you want to! Except for required events when it counts for contribution.
  • Participating in guild events, just be a positive member of the guild - we respect priorities and various play style's.

Things we do not currently organize, and likely won't for the far off future:

  • Strikes/Fractal/Raid groups - these might occur if we get interested members, but it's up to your own leadership to initiate these currently.
  • Growing the guild hall - The guild hall is level 3 (August 2023) and though we occasionally do missions, it's not a huge priority at the moment.
  • Organized PvP - I do these as dailies occasionally but we don't have a guild team unless someone takes the initiative/interest 🙂

About the Leader:

  • Ranger main, with a few other characters, I've been playing casually since release.
  • I created Hidden Rivers in 2022 because I generally enjoy solo/small non-rushed casual and chill game play in many ways, especially while adventuring and exploring the game world and events.  I felt rushed and pressured by other guilds to often join in groups or participate most often than my schedule allowed.  Those are great options to have, but I like knowing there is a quiet respite from it all too.
  • I stream GW2 on Twitch occasionally, and I do enjoy other games.  I strongly believe in my casual play style for GW2 to keep it fresh and enjoyable when I am playing.
  • Between Quaggan and Skritt, I'm team Skritt!

How to Join:

  • Send me an in game mail so I can send an invite!  Give about 24-48 hours for a response though I play most days currently, and will edit this post if anything changes.  
  • Comments on this thread will be responded to - especially for questions you may have, but in game mail is the best way to reach me for linking you up with an invite.

Thanks everyone who is interested or reviewed this post, have a great day

From the desk of Firce Tulut, a ranger 


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3 hours ago, MidasLegend.3906 said:

dm on forum sent to ya 

Thank you so much, I got your message and wanted to include to the post that it's totally ok to DM me on the forums if you'd like to send your Discord username or in game info for an invite that way instead.  Many thanks!

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With the new expansion release, we are definitely still recruiting.  If you're looking for a small, fairly quiet guild to experience SoTO with, feel welcome to consider this one! 

Personally, I'm working through some Pre-SoTO content myself but hope to be into the SoTO storyline asap.

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