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[NA/PvX] New Player LF Long Term Guild

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   As the title says i am a central NA player, more or less returning to the game.  I have played years ago never had a decent place to call home so I could learn more of the game.  I am mostly a PvE player but do enjoy organized PvP. 

   Because of my job I play the most on the weekends, however I can usually make a pre-planned event during the week. (Depending on the start time). Also depending where I am in the U.S. that night, my play experience could be effected. I will make everyone aware of any net issues before hand. (Some truck stops have TERRIBLE internet) 

   I have discord, I am older, I like having fun with group, and I would like to learn more about this game. 

  I look forward to hearing from you all,

Happy Hunting,




Edited by onemadtrucker.2568
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Hi there Mike,

I invite you to check out Tyrs - we are an "older folks" guild that understands that real life comes first (whether that be pets, spouses, children, or just poor internet connection!).  We also host a variety of planned events throughout the week along with the occasional surprise event.  Some of those events are opportunities to learn various grouped content from dungeons to raids.  Recently a couple folks have been expressing interest in getting together to polish some PvP skills too.

If you think we might suite you - check out our website and fill out an application - https://tyrspaladium.shivtr.com/?site_game_id=136318

Thank you and happy gaming!

Anmorata Warsong

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