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Looking for an almost permanent group of five to do Fractals, Dungeons, Collections, etc...


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Well, I've been playing alone some time since I got this game. And I realized that not all the time there are parties for what you need atm. So I'm looking for people to form an permanent-ish group to do everything we need to, from simple Fractals of the Mist to map completion and Legendary Collections. I'm on Gate of Madness sever.

P.S.: No one has to be the most experienced player in the world. Just to have that cooperation with each other to accomplish what we are looking for in this game.

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It sounds like what you're looking for is a group of people who are looking for the same things you are, who are cooperative, and who I assume you would get along with well enough to do this on a regular basis. To me, this seems like you might be looking to join a small, like-minded guild instead whose outlook is the same as yours. So, maybe you're looking for a guild to become friends with? Guilds are great for this sort of thing, even the small ones or especially the small ones, since if you have a small group of people who are all on at the same time and looking to do the same sort of thing as you, then that's a lovely thing to all be able to do that together. Guildmates, friends, companions, is what this game is meant for, though it's certainly solo-able to a degree. But to co-opt and reword a phrase from another game, sometimes it is more dangerous to go alone and you should take 4 other people along.

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I do have a good co-op Guild, but we have different Times Zones and not everyone is available at the same time I am on a daily basis. However I'll try to befriend more people in my guild if you think it's a good thing to try to do to achieve my main goal of having a permanent-ish group. I mainly posted this because the majority of the people that are active a good part of the day already finished most of their collections, achievements, etc... and I understand that doing those challenges again is a little annoying (e.g. Finishing a Fractal Boss in less than 5min) so I think it's not like they would like grinding again just to benefit someone who's starting and asking for that kind of help.

Anyway, thanks for the help though, I'll take your advice and try to do what you wrote here.

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