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[EU][PvX][WvW] Souls Across [STYX] is recruiting!


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Souls Across is a PvX guild with a main focus on WvW (Underworld server). Our guild consists of many active casual and veteran players who enjoy a variety of game modes - from raids and fractals, to PvP and roaming. 

What we offer:

  • Every Tuesday evening, we host a STYX WvW squad run by one of our experienced commanders.
  • Our own selection of WvW builds created by our class mentors.
  • Commander training for aspiring WvW commanders.
  • WvW training sessions focusing on general WvW tactics and also class specific tips and tricks.
  • Spontaneous grouping for other kinds of content.
  • Discord full of pet pictures.

We would love to start running some more consistent PvE events, so we would absolutely welcome some awesome PvE enjoyers who have an interest in commanding. 

What we require:

  • Discord is required.
  • If you would like to join in our WvW events, you must be on Underworld server.
  • All experience levels welcome.
  • No representation required, but it is appreciated.

For further info, or an invite, please join our discord:

Edited by ghostlie.4823
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