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EU [EDEN] - Vanguard of Eden - Small, friendly and casual community 🦦 - CLOSED


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7 minutes ago, valamon.6381 said:

Hello, i would be happy to get an invite. I played HoT a little bit but all feels overwhlming and having to relearn everything now when coming back.

We've all been there, myself included. When I returned I even had to create a new character and relearn the whole game.

Welcome onboard :)

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I'm a returning player and would like to join a chilled out guild to have fun with. I have recently dinged 80 and am beginning to wade my way through the next steps. I have never been nor probably ever will be the best player, but I'm always willing to help out if I can. If I could get an invit, I would really appreciate it. 

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  • occi.7089 changed the title to EU [EDEN] - Vanguard of Eden - Small, friendly and casual community 🦦 ​- CLOSED
  • occi.7089 changed the title to EU [EDEN] - Vanguard of Eden - Small, friendly and casual community 🦦

Hello, I'd like to find a group of friends to do fractals more regularly without having to deal with the anxiety of lfg  🫠  I'm very much a casual player pushing buttons without a big strategy and I just like to acquire shiny things for my characters. I don't have EOD and SOTO, but I've got the other expansions. If you think I can fit in your guild, I'd like an invite ❤️

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Yellow! Hope you are well 👋
I've been playing GW2 for quite some time now but on and off. I have several characters at level 80 but I still need to learn a lot.

Your guild seems quite fun and joyful and I was wondering If I could join?

I'm interesting in doing all types of content, specially Raids, Fractals and Strikes since I've never done them and I am too afraid to use LFG and annoy people with my lack of knowledge. 

I've also been trying WvW as I am trying to get legendary gear.

I have all of the expansions except SOTO but I will get it eventually.

Personally, I try to find some time everyday to play but since I have a baby boy it can get challenging.

If you think I am suitable for your guild I would love be part of it.

Cheers! 😀

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Hey there :)!

Your guild sounds like a perfect place for me so I would love to join if that is still possible 🙂.

I am a returning (once again :P) player that started back in 2012 and I see that my current guild is not active anymore :(. I see there are lots of new things for me to learn as well as some older content to refresh and I would be really happy to have some chilled people to do that with.

I currently have the HoT and PoF expansions but I’m considering an upgrade 🙈

Let me know if there is a place for me in your ranks 🙂

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  • occi.7089 changed the title to EU [EDEN] - Vanguard of Eden - Small, friendly and casual community 🦦- CLOSED
  • occi.7089 changed the title to EU [EDEN] - Vanguard of Eden - Small, friendly and casual community 🦦
1 hour ago, Percy.7168 said:

Hi, was wondering if it was possible to join a guild, i'm a FFXIV player but only touch the game when i have the money too, so i decided to get into gw2 so that i have a cheaper mmo to play

Hello 🙂

I've sent you an invite

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