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[NA] Horde Of Inepts [HoI] - Do you consider yourself a mid player?


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Have you been playing Guild Wars 2 and watching other players speedrunning Tyria instantly liquefying mobs while you tag it once and think to yourself, "I'm not that good.  How do they do that?"

I don't know either.  I'm not going to try and convince you that I can.  Because I can't.

I have never done a Strike.  I've done a handful of Fractals, asked questions, and didn't get answers to some of the mechanics.  I attended two Raid Trainings and they were unpleasant experiences.  I've tried WvW, didn't understand the communications and was smashed so hard that I don't try again for months.

Now, you may be thinking, "is this guy going to be an effective Guild Leader?"  I have no idea.  This is new to me. You know who would know?  The people I affiliate with.

However, I made a joke online about being mid and others suggested working together and forming a group so big that maybe, just maybe, we can be effective.  Finding others where speedrunning the game is not the most important thing.  Finding people who won't rage quit if your DPS rotation is facerolling the keyboard.

Let's be real, you have commitments outside of the game and think, "I just want to find a few people to just chill out with and smash some trash mobs."  You may just want to find some new friends and try not to be judged while you learn the game.  You may know things that others don't yet know.  I'm going to try and provide that group for you.

I enjoy a PoF HP run.  If you ask I ever ran an HP Train, I will answer "no".  I will take you through PoF if you want to build an Elite Specialization.  I do a Weekly Key Farm because it's an easy, chill grind for some fun loot.  Don't know what a Weekly Key Farm is?  I can tell you.  Wanna try one, just ask.  I won't even make you join the Guild.  I watch videos and read the wiki in attempts to learn things.  I've made many mistakes and I'm probably going to make a lot more.  Heck, THIS may be a mistake.  However, I'm willing to try and see how this goes.  I'm not perfect but I do things that you may find interesting.  You may do something that I don't do and you may pull me out of my comfort zone.

GW2's Halloween Event is coming.  For most people, we have the opportunity to meet Steve again and get beaten down.  Don't know who Steve is yet?  Steve definitely wants to meet you.  

Sound like fun?  We may be fun.  Or not.  Look, I don't know.  I'm not psychic.

Ok, enough old man rambling.  Let's get some facts out there before I start sounding mature and responsible.

Guild Recruiter/Time Zone: BarisBlack.9485/EDT (GMT-4)

Send your full Account Name (Username.####) via whisper/mail to a Guild Recruiter.  Recruiters are not online 24/7 so a delay is possible.  Post responses would need to be seen before an invite is sent as well.

Discord: Our Discord is under development and refinement while we also build a community.  Discord is currently available for Guild Members.

Guild Activities and Events: We have no current event schedule.  I will be in The Labyrinth this year in an attempt to recoup the cost of buying a Commander Tag.

Guild Hall: We currently don't have a Guild Hall but I've liberated several and those ARE fun.  We'll get to it eventually.

Guild Requirements: We don't have rep requirements.  You are the boss of you, not me.  

Guild Rules: The Primary Rule we have is to accept and respect your fellow Guild Members.  We're all people of varying skill levels.  Let's just have some fun, help one another out, and have a few laughs.  We'll get organized later.  You may decide you want to try something and get some support with that first attempt.  Let's be THOSE people.  I deal with enough drama at work.  I don't need it when I come home and join the game.

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