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Yet another returning player question :)


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Hi all.

I played back in the original GW2 so I have not play the two expansions before now.I would really like to do raids and dungeons and therefore I have choosen to play an elemantalist ( and becouse I allways liked the mage class in games ) but I would also really like to play a melee class, but it seems like that not all melee classes is being used for raids and dungeons? if so what class and build should I choose for a strong melee dps class that I can use in raids and dungeons?

thanks for your time all.

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Tbh, there are many classes that can be use in raid and other PvE stuffs that is melee, I just feel like power Dragon Hunter is the most ... obvious and safe choice (just like when newbie ask for what class to play in any mmorpg, most ppl will say Warrior). Power Dragon Hunter is solid, berserker stats is easy to gear, can use greatsword effectively (who doesn't love greatsword ?)

https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/builds/You can browse this site, most of the builds that are there are good for raid, check the weapon and rotation they use and you will know if is is main melee or not

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@Atamazon.7062 said:Tbh, there are many classes that can be use in raid and other PvE stuffs that is melee, I just feel like power Dragon Hunter is the most ... obvious and safe choice (just like when newbie ask for what class to play in any mmorpg, most ppl will say Warrior). Power Dragon Hunter is solid, berserker stats is easy to gear, can use greatsword effectively (who doesn't love greatsword ?)

https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/builds/You can browse this site, most of the builds that are there are good for raid, check the weapon and rotation they use and you will know if is is main melee or not

Thank you very much mate. Seems like a guardian is going to be my next class :)

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