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[NA][WVW] returning Oce player looking for a guild.


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Started in the Beta but haven't played any of the expansions. Last few times I logged on wvw was dead (maybe just because I am on Ferguson's crossing?). Will move servers if there is a more lively one. Doesn't need to be huge crowds, but I hope WvW will at least be multiplayer if not Massively multiplayer. 

I pretty much only play WvW but I guess there will be somethings I need to get to not be disadvantaged in WvW. 

I'm from West Australia, speak some Russian and random bits of other languages. Will probably move to Taiwan mid next year after I finish University. 

Will download again in about 2 weeks when I have finished some essays.


My main character is a Mesmer, but also have a Max level warrior (if Max level hasn't increased?).


Be nice to join a discord and learn what essentials I need to start playing again. 

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