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OK (I Pull Up) -NA -EST Currently Recruiting!

Dat Boi Envy.4637

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- OK (I Pull Up) is currently opening our doors to recruiting new members. We are currently based on DR. Our core has been playing WvW together for over 5 years and we're looking forward to adding some new faces alongside of us. While we might have WvW experience, don't let that dissuade you from applying if you are new and looking to learn. We only ask that if you're interested in joining you try your best to work with the information we give you.

- We raid 3 nights a week Monday-Wednesday, (8:30pm EST - 10:30pm EST). Our average squad size sits currently around 12-15 members as we look to rebuild our ranks from some older members leaving as a result of real life stuff. We're looking to hit that 20-25 mark ideally as that's the size we feel like we can be most competitive at while not blobbing down content. If you're interested in mindless 50 man squad "content" we are NOT the guild for you. However, if you're looking to fight outnumbered, work closely and synergistically with likeminded players to bust these blobs, we ARE the guild for you!

- While we do RvR/GvG on occasion, we are primarily an openfield fight guild looking to zerg bust and fight whatevers on the map.

-Recruitment Priority:-All meta classes are welcome, but the following receive priority.

- Chronos/Spellbreakers/Support Vinis

- Requirements:- Discord (mic preferred but not required)

- Attendance of 2/3 Raids per week (if real life stuff pops up that's fine, but if you're online we expect you to raid with us)

- Ability to record footage (yes footage reviews can be scary, but I promise ours are done respectfully in a 1 on 1 environment and focus on constructive feedback)

- A desire to get better and work as a team- Ability to follow directions and guild builds

- A preview of what we're about:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc61QfiGUB8&ab_channel=Envy


- Any questions or concerns please feel free to discord me (dat_boi_envy), and I'll get back you as soon as possible!

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