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Freedom For Skritts [F.F.S] is a casual PvE guild recruiting all players looking to join a friendly and social guild! Here are but a few things we offer:

- Weekly and monthly events (HP/Mastery trains, Meta/World Boss trains, Guild Missions, Raid, Strike and Fractal training and so much more).
- An organised and active Discord with our own [F.F.S] Discord Bot and level 3 boosted!
- Friendly and helpful Officers who are always willing to help out any member.
- We keep it small, we prefer to know everyone rather than have a million members.
- Options to progress to a higher guild rank (if that's your thing).
- MAX level guild hall (The new EoD guild hall).
- And more...

We take veteran and new players, so if you’re looking for a relaxed, social place to enjoy GW2, then join F.F.S!

To join, visit our website: http://www.freedomforskritts.com/

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