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Herald: Semi-viable builds?


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OK, so I want to play a full healer/support build Herald. I know it's not the most viable, but it's not like I'll be able to raid with a static raid group anyways (4 on 4 off schedule) so why bother optimizing for the last few % of raid dps, right? What I want to know, though, is if it is viable enough to do endgame content casually without getting instakicked every single time I join a lobby. I'm still pretty new to the game, so I haven't even touched raiding or fractals yet, but the Herald kit with centaur stance just seems so JUICY.

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Herald/Renegade healer tends to actually be more effective than the usual suspects for stuff like Fractal pugging (since you can't guarantee meta comp). The reason it isn't meta is because it tends to fill an awkward in-between role that dances between Druid and Chrono, and its heals can be overkill if your group is good. If you use Herald, try to get Harrier stats if possible (++Power/+Healing/+Concentration), and if you use Renegade, try to get Marshal's stats (++Power/++Healing/+Precision/+Condi damage). Obviously though, if you want to be tankier, there are other stat options as well. I would personally recommend the renegade variant for better alacrity uptime & DPS, but both provide absurdly good healing when built right. For non-meta groups (since META is only really important in raids and CMs), support-heal Revenants are very good in general.

For your traits, Salvation/Devastation/Herald will be your best bet for extra healing power (salvation) and a decent passive offense party buff (Devastation), among other things.

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