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[EU][PvX] Unskilled & Afraid [BAD] - The truly no-requirements guild for group content.


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A guild by and for EU players who feel hesitant, insecure, or afraid of endgame group content. We started as a group of first-timers and decided that the community needed a space to go into raids, strikes, fractals, etc., with the mindset that failing is Okay.

We jump in with:

  • No expectations to succeed, only to learn
  • No build or gear checks of any kind
  • No DPS checks or any such number, be it heal or boon uptime.
  • If we have to wipe for an hour until we all learn, we will.

Our runs can be: 

  • Fully blind, in which you and other first-timers figure it all out in the spot, together, and enjoy the great accomplishment that is solving a puzzle by yourselves
  • Guided runs, in which a veteran takes the time to explain, and discuss doubts.

No commander rank. We're one of the few guilds in which even a first-timer can request an event to be added to our schedule. Ask and it will be set up. Command it yourself or ask a seasoned member to help you out. Our entire schedule is run by the members. Be selfish!

Learn to lead. Take a group for a ride and learn to lead. What you don't know, the collective will help with. Or ask an experienced member to co-load with you!

Everyone is welcome to any event, always. That is our default. Every run is for everyone.

No bureaucracy. See a spot at an event? Take it. Very easy sign-up with Aleeva.

No representation needed, ever. Even joining the in-game guild is optional (though we have a fully maxed-out hall at your disposal).


ALL our commanders started out as first-timers, failing a lot, together. We want to give you the same opportunity and provide you with the same path towards legendary gear that was once provided for us. If you've had terrible LFG experiences, if KP scares you, if all you need is a safe place to wipe and fail and go at your own pace, you just found it.

Let's go: https://discord.gg/jVTM7MkT46

Edited by advocatus.9380
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