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Looking for NA Guild! PvE preferred!


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I would love to find a guild that would accept and take in new players to guild wars end game content and teach us how to actually play while allowing us to play how we want!  We have played MMOs before and includes GW2 but i decided im taking this more seriously to where i'll play solo if i have to but i want to enjoy this games content!!

Would also appreciate if availability to be actively together is possible too! so not just having 100000 members and i'll never see you ever! would be great if can be able to learn peoples preferences and play together often to get used to each others styles, methods and not just be a number on the screen!

My friends are also into PvP while im not so thats an option too. I would prefer doing fractcals/Dungeons with ofc learning raids/strikes in the future when im less garbage.

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