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Hey, here's a rifle rework because I wanted to.


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This isn't a post complaining about rifle. Although it doesn't quite fulfill my fantasy of what a supportive portal gun would look like, if it works out being a viable and fun option then I won't mind. My version wouldn't likely be as balanced, and is more for aesthetic and fantasy fulfillment. This is just my attempt at making, largely for myself, an alternate reality version that I would have more fun with. I wanted to take the largely ground targeted aoe nature of the rifle, and shift it to be more in line with the linear projectile fantasy that I find fits the rifle better as a weapon. Numbers are largely missing because this is just a design thing as opposed to an attempt at a fully realized, balanced product. I hope, even if you prefer the real life rifle, that this little project tickles your fancy and generates some fun brainstorming around how to polish all our new toys.

Skill 1 - Friendly Fire: Hold down to aim a shot at your target while on the move. Applies a baseline effect, but builds up over the 1s charge time to increase effectiveness, gaining a bonus at maximum charge.

Enemy target - deals damage based on time charged, cripples when fully charged.

Ally target - heals based on time charged, cleanses a condition when fully charged.

Skill 2 - Line of Fire: Kneel and aim down your sights for up to 1.25 seconds, while remaining able to change the trajectory. When you release, blink backwards away from the direction you're currently aiming in, summoning a clone that fires a piercing shot in the direction you were aiming. The bullet strikes and interrupts enemies, dealing damage and applying stacks of vulnerability based on charge time. Allies gain regeneration and are healed and granted might based on charge time. Projectile finisher.

Summons a clone that casts fully charged friendly fires on the first enemy hit, or your current target if this skill hits them. Clones targeting allies will focus your current enemy target when you shatter them, or the target of the ally they're focused on if an enemy target is not selected.

Skill 3 - Warp Wall: Create a portal barrier at the target location that blocks enemy projectiles. Allies that touch the wall gain aegis, and can use it to teleport to your side. Aegis and teleport are only granted once per player. Ethereal combo field.

Skill 4 - Phantasmal Marksman: Summon a phantasm that aims down its sights before firing a powerful shot at the target.

Enemy target - deals significant damage, immobilizing and weakening. Projectile finisher.

Ally target - heals significantly and applies chaos armor and resistance. Projectile finisher.

The phantasm dissipates into a clone that casts friendly fire at its target.

Skill 5 - Singularity Shot: Shoot a bullet to the target location that expands into a reality rift. The rift pulses damage, cripple, and slow in an area that grows over a few seconds, before collapsing to deal significant damage and pull enemies in. The collapse is a blast finisher.

Edited by Treetoptrickster.4205
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