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[EU] LF people to raid with at ODD hour


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Hi all, 


 I finally decided to attempt gathering somewhat experienced people for raids.


I am not looking for anything hardcore, and also NOT a training group. I hope for smooth clears without stop (maybe one break in between is fine)




The raid:


  1. Most probably Tuesday, starting at around GMT+8 9pm (CET 2pm). Can be a bit earlier or later. 3.5 hour max.
  2. W7 -> W1 (7-5 is a must, 4-1 is easy to pug, I’ll go to bed when we hit 3.5hr)
  3. CMs only for easy bosses like KC, Cairn. If the group is good, then we can do more. I do not have the time for wipes. I need to sleep 😵‍💫
  4. Everyone is welcomed to swap roles ONLY if they are comfortable on it. Once again, I need sleep.




My hopes and wishes from the group:


*We all have different expectations of performances so I’ll make mine clear. Hopefully it doesn’t intimidate newer people. I know it’s probably stressful for people who care about their performance but don’t have enough experience in the content*


  1. Have stable internet/PC
  2. Have done all bosses several times. It’s fine if there are 2 or 3 max bosses you’ve not killed yet but as long as you know mechanics and show that you have done your work on golem. (For reference, at least 80% benchmark for dps, close to 100% quick/alac uptime + other boons your class is supposed to give for supp). It’s honestly not that high of a requirement even for 200-300ping. Source: I have 200+.. ;_;
  3. Meta builds. Home baked is fine only if you can be on par with others. [If you do only 50% of others’ dps and then argue that your build is the best because you are the last one standing…. Please don’t join. I’m tired and too much of a scaredy cat to argue with you :( ]
  4. Able to stay for at least W7-5.
  5. Please respect others’ time. No excessive AFK
  6. Be open minded and relatively chill. What everyone else does is not necessarily the best for our group. I hate not having stability at boss like Gorseval but please don’t gg or rage when supp fails a stab/aegis lol. 
  7. Discord for communication, at least to listen




What I can offer:


  1. I make sure I can do all that I expect of others.
  2. I’m not toxic at all I swear
  3. I can gear up anything if needed
  4. My kpme: advrz




*Please double check raid time as it is NOT usual EU active hour* Drop me a message here or discord: rz__ (2 underscores btw) or in game: Raz.6390. 


I’ll start running when we have at least 6. Thanks for reading my essay. 👍

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