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OLC CM bug: P1 transitioning into P3 twice, P2 never happening

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Ahai, fellow Tyrians!

We did earlier today an OLC CM run in which we met a weird occurrence: while the first run went as usual, for which I called a /gg by the end of P1 after losing our Qdps (blue bumps sending him into red's interdiction zone), the second and successful run took a weird turn.

Upon finishing P1 and the following transition with CC, the P2 never started; it skipped straight to P3, despite all three bosses being at 60%. Thus, we had no P2 CCs to deal with; upon all three bosses reaching 20% hp, they all went into another transition with CC before the same P3 repeated.

That made the fight unbelievably easier, and the clear honestly undeserved. While we haven't tried reproducing it (half of the squad coming from the LFG), pretty much everything AFAIK is displayed in the logs linked above (although I'll obviously be willing to provide more info if necessary); hopefully this was only an occasional hiccup, and not something we'll be able to reproduce & exploit!

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