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[EU] Salty Savants | A social Raid / PVE guild for friendly, chilled older folks.

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Salty Savants
● Raids & PVE ● Chilled, Social & Fun ● Older Gamers ● Discord Voice Chat

About us:
We are a small, active, event driven guild where everyone knows each other. We enjoy hanging out in voice chat together while smashing pixel bad guys. We value the social side most and don't take the game too seriously because sometimes killing each other with mechanics while laughing maniacally is way more fun.

What we do:
We enjoy most PVE content, with a focus on Raids, Strikes and Fractals. Events at 7pm Server / 8pm UK Time.
Casual events on Mondays and Fridays.
Focused Raid event on Wednesdays for those interested in pushing challenging content. Appropriate preparation is required which we're always happy to help folks with.

We're looking for folks with a compatible mindset who actively want to be a part of our guild and enjoy hanging out and participating in events regularly. We don't mind if you're new or experienced. Those who make the effort will surely build friendships and enjoy the family guild vibes we offer.

Join Discord: 9ZdFRhzwxX

Edited by grom.5239
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  • grom.5239 changed the title to [EU] Salty Savants | A social PVE guild for friendly, chilled older folks.

Reopening recruitment - in particular for those interested in joining us on our raid journey. We have a couple of spots, no experience required, just a chill social attitude :).

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  • grom.5239 changed the title to [EU] Salty Savants | A social raiding and PVE guild for friendly, chilled older folks.
  • grom.5239 changed the title to [EU] Salty Savants | A social PVE guild for friendly, chilled older folks.
  • 2 weeks later...

Returning player, been playing on and off ever since launch & searching for a casual guild for older players.

Do to my life style and simply because my home situation does not always let me, i cannot always join for events nor always join voice chats ... so i hope you maybe still have room for me as a casual/social player that will join occasionally for events,  if not i totally understand! o/

Edited by Leia lina.2736
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So do you guys play raids and this kinda endgame PvE content? 
I'm something of a returning player myself but never really engaged much with the pve content, just played a lot of casual pvp. Not a native english speaker, so there's that, but yeah, would love to get an invite 🙂

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Heyo, I've just returned to the game after a five-year or so break, just started slowly working my way through the End of Dragons. I'm in my thirties and would love to join a chill, fun guild with grown-ups! Am I okay to join the discord?

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Posted (edited)

We have a casual event and a raid event each week. We generally try to cover all pve content, most often being raids, strikes and fractals. Everyone knows each other and it's a great vibe, so far our members are generally in their 30s+ with a bunch of older folks too :classic_cool:.  Any questions, pop in the discord and PM one of us or click to join, cheers.

Edited by grom.5239
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  • grom.5239 changed the title to [EU] Salty Savants | A social Raid / PVE guild for friendly, chilled older folks.

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