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PvE, casual, EST, Server: Maguuma


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Hello,[HERO] sounds like a great fit for you. We are a PvX community located on MAG, and are based out of EST. We enjoy all content of the game, and meta events and helping newer players with their stories are something that we can certainly do. Once you're done with the story, we do encourage members to participate with our FoTM groups (we have training sessions and gearing up sessions as well as top tier fractal teams).

We are primarily a pick-up and play guild, wherein, members sign on, and group up for content they want to play. We do host a Game Night on most Saturdays, where we do guild missions, WvW, and other content. Heroes use discord as their primary form of communication.

If this sounds interesting, or if you'd like more information, send me a mail or message me in game.

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