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Thank you ANet!

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I complained for the small maps with weak deep in exploration in SoTO. You gave us huge maps in Tyria with the fresh air the first expansions had, specially in a land with solid roots in the story of the world - 50 points of interest, a very nice size to run, and seems they will be more in quantity too!

I complained about disconnected characters and the evident rushed storyline in SoTO. You gave us back good followers from the past(Tyria alliance makes total sense, you still the pact commander, liking or not) contacting kodans(just love this race), adventuring in a nature in their awesome and cozy villages and lands - dancing with them in the event was awesome, a great credit to the music composer.

I complained for messing with the 6th runes ability - still thinking should let it as it was and just add relics, but the work around the relics are going well, and knowing new expansions will bring more  is a good thing. I just ask you to take care about change again something that worked for years, you may think not, but it impacted a lot with many builds, that pissed me a lot, and I'm not alone in that, but now I'm fine 🙃

I didn't complained for not having unlocked yet a Warclaw. You just gave to everybody and more, implemented him as open world utility - that was really an EPIC move, you got me good on it, I loved it!

I didn't complained for not having a house. Now I have not only a house, but a place to see all my mounts having some rest in a wonderful and peaceful place while I catch a fish.

In my opinion, all is doing amazingly good, and I would like to thank the amazing community around this game, helping to give good directions and to thank ANet to listen us. That expansion is doing EPIC, keep in that way. Thank you!

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I agree! The team did a great job with this expansion. There will always be bugs and nitpicks, but overall, a lot of requests were addressed. While not perfect, I have no doubt they'll be fixing and adjusting in the weeks and months to come.

  • Lots of new area to explore, along with many nodes and interesting NPCs.
  • Got to see old friends (although I absolutely do not want Braham to retire yet, and we need a Taimi update). 😆
  • Relics were a sore spot for me before, but I'm seeing more of why they're useful when I play PvP.
  • Warclaw updates are just phenomenal. I actually like using it in open world now!
  • We have houses, and we can only improve on them moving forward! 😄

Now I just need my Extra Life pet Samadog in my homestead. 😜 Or a ranger pet skin for wolf.... 🤔

Thanks, Anet, for all the cool stuff! Looking forward to what comes next!

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The exploration in this expansion is super good. Gathering nodes have a lot of value, sniffing treasures with the warclaw, both maps have very good weapon skins to unlock, the achievements are not overly complicated and the maps feel alive with so many events happening.

My only complaint so far, is that you should have an option to make you homestead public, so random players could search and visit at any time through a neighboring system ui or something like that, and you could also search and visit other player's homesteads. Not having a way to do that here feels very limited and also makes the homestead system less relevant than it could be.

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