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Can all Spears have range and close quarter combat options for skill 1 (auto attack)?

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I main Ele and I love the new spears, but I wish I had the same option as spear users with short-range skills. The spear is one of the most versatile weapons so I think it just makes the most sense for all classes to have that ability. Plus I hate the fact that my Ele does a really cool twirl attack animation when idle, but only knows how to throw a spear 🤔 😄.

I think that classes with a melee/ close-quarter auto-attack(3-hit combo) should get a 600-range option while classes with a 900 - 1200 long-range auto-attack should get a single-hit melee option that hits multiple enemies at close range sort of like the Ele hammer earth auto-attack. 

Disclaimer: I only have experience with Ele, Mesmer, and Revenant spears, so please don't roast my opinion too much 😅.


Edited by Myster Marz.6481
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probably a unpopular opinion but I second this. it is only half related but i really enjoy the spear melee format in Grounded where hucking spears was an option and the actual combat is really well done. the first time i pressed weapon skill 1 on warrior was a bit jarring because i find it comical that we get to zeus lightning bolt infinite spears at an enemy

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Immediately thought this when they revealed the spears to us. To give such versatility to some professions and not others felt a little off to me. I main Mesmer, and I am thoroughly impressed with the spear in PVE, but being able to throw the spear too from a distance? That would have perfected the gameplay experience for me.

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I would have disagreed but honestly, I kind of wish this was a thing. The enemies with the neverending giant damage puddles are irritating me so much playing Mesmer spear, a lot of very punishing melee mechanics constantly pushing you away, at least having range on the 1 would just make it feel less obnoxious.

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