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Make collections progressible with all your characters plz

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This is just an obersavtion of my husband and me but it seems to us that sometimes you can progress jw-collections only with one character and on other occasions you can do that with every character on your account. First if this is true can we plz change it so that the progression of collections is consistent ? Second if its intentional that you can only progress collections with one character and a gameplay "feature" here to stay, then my husband and i have to stop playing gw2 eventually. Because we both have adhd and love to do character hopping because playing always with one char/class gets boring rly fast, so we also have tons of characters. Its impossible with our lower than usual working memory capacity to keep in mind with which charcter we have started which collection. And because of our executive functioning deficit we have already enough struggle in daily life and load on our brains. So this "feature" would be too much for us to handle and make gw2 janthir wilds at least for us unplayable. So plz plz anet reconsider and "fix" this. tyvm, cheers. 

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