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Here's the spvp build


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So the whole strategy is to absolutely condi bomb the kitten out of anything you can touch threw conduit surge->devastator, those 2 skills alone can wreak anything by themselves but since conduit surge is the jankiest skill I've ever used we need to make sure we can set up landing it, the 2 ways I've found that work best are being as close as you can to your target or engaging from about 500-600 range on an immobile target which we can achieve with electric artillery, rolling skies or supply crate, now provided you land the setup follow up with a holographic shockwave->photon blitz.


Landing this combo i get upwards of 8k burning stacks for 2 seconds and 4k burns for a further few seconds, Things I do to help along the way are using lighting rod going into the combo to deal with any blinds or aegis, generally if you preload lighting rod going into photon forge it'll be charged and electric artillery will be available when you leave photon forge and its capable of hitting oos enemies which and with its immobile makes it fantastic for finishing enemies or engaging a new target. one of the most overpowered parts of this build is its burning reapplication for example you land 2->5 that's 5 long-lasting stacks of burn and 6 short the enemy likely won't react fast enough to stop that 1 second of 6k burn but if they did cleanse it you activate photon forge and photon blitz 2 long stacks  8 short stacks of burning okay if they did cleanse that before it did its damage then you use 3->2 and another 4 long stacks of burning reactivate photon forge for a further 2 from solar focusing lens and photon blitz again and if they manage to avoid all that you overheat use conduit surge to get in range to hit with photonic blasting module for 2 burns plus an extra 6 from solar focusing lens, obviously this requires landing conduit surge which is way easier said then done but after a few hours of matches I started getting used to setting up combos and straight reading my enemies movements to land conduit surge.


obviously with tools and alchemy with elixers you get a kitten ton of condi clear and decent protection uptime along with the large health pool from carrion aumlet so you will be surprisingly tanky with a possibly one of the best burst potentials I've seen on engi in a long time, I was running firearms over tools for more damage but honestly you really don't need more damage personally I could see both tools or inventions working depending on your playstyle, i did try out a power variant for a while with explosives/alchemy/holo but i felt like i was doing more damage with condis while also speced into more tank, running firearms i did manage to get a 13k burn tick in spvp, I am looking at a WvW roaming version with cele but will see


anyway enjoy lads and ladies

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I’ve been running something not too different that this, how’s consistent is setting up your pbm burst? I’ve been running vent exhaust instead. Also have you considered elixir gun? You could get some nice lockdowns with conduit surge into acid bomb. Also if you take streamlined kits that’s another immob 

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17 hours ago, working class hero.2175 said:

I’ve been running something not too different that this, how’s consistent is setting up your pbm burst? I’ve been running vent exhaust instead. Also have you considered elixir gun? You could get some nice lockdowns with conduit surge into acid bomb. Also if you take streamlined kits that’s another immob 

pbm is very consistant ive found since the whole build is quite melee heavy, I did think about running elixir gun for that melee problem and for the swiftness which I don't have 100% uptime on but since there's not a great deal of downtime on skills I already use I feel like elixir B provides a lot more oomph in fights.


prime light beam goes alright for setting up conduit surge since its knock back can push enemys into the spot where you would normally over shoot 

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This looks like a glass cannon without the cannon to be quite honest.

I think you should probably take prime light beam over supply crate if you're going to play Holo and in general you need some form of block. Unfortunately for spear neither Tool Kit nor Photo Wall mesh well with condi builds. Additionally without spam aegis, protection, blinds, extremely high sustain, and/or stability you're really going to have a bad time in melee.

Here's a hybrid holo build that I like: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAo6lNw4YXMPGKWqXmvPA-DaJtMSoAyPB04SAAA it works OK if you know what you're doing, but our core abilities have generally been power-crept and are slow in today's meta, while Holo Forge can be a liability with chill spam and CC opening you up to overheating and dying.


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7 hours ago, CallousEye.5018 said:

This looks like a glass cannon without the cannon to be quite honest.

I think you should probably take prime light beam over supply crate if you're going to play Holo and in general you need some form of block. Unfortunately for spear neither Tool Kit nor Photo Wall mesh well with condi builds. Additionally without spam aegis, protection, blinds, extremely high sustain, and/or stability you're really going to have a bad time in melee.

Here's a hybrid holo build that I like: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAo6lNw4YXMPGKWqXmvPA-DaJtMSoAyPB04SAAA it works OK if you know what you're doing, but our core abilities have generally been power-crept and are slow in today's meta, while Holo Forge can be a liability with chill spam and CC opening you up to overheating and dying.


Well it really depends on your play style if your used to playing glass cannon like me then it's a glass cannon without the glass, I'm used to playing good old SD no stun breakers hahaha.


I would prefer to take plb over supply crate but until conduit surge is made to be less janky crate is a lot better for setting up the burst combo,  I also use PBM so I want to overheat.

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