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Idea of marker for area of Renown Hearts in Janthir Wilds maps

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Well I have one issue since release of Janthir Wilds, which I didn't have even with Secrets of the Obscure.

Sometimes, especially on Lowland Shore map I can be underneath Renown Heart area and doing events that counts in to this renown heart progression, then I go level down and suddenly I reallize that event that is in progress on that level counts to another heart that is located in another layer on opposite side of the river.

So I want to propose an option that would retarct focus of the players from searching which It was never added as option either on minimap or world map. What? Let me uravel the idea.

The idea is to add an area marker/line of chosen Renown Heart (just simple click on heart with right mouse button and choice to "show area" that would highlight on map an area on which renown can be gathered).

Why is that so important? Verticality of the Lowland Shore mostly (I know that map has in fact only 3 layers but including each cliff, plateau etc. gives more than 10 levels!) but issues also happen on Janthis Syntri.


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