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Eldritch Gathering Tools are slow

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tl;dr: I hereby propose to normalize the speed and yield of all mining, logging & gathering tool respectively. Yes, they differ.
Verbose: Most player may not have noticed, but the different gathering tool skins come with different build-ups *and* yields.
Examples: the speed difference is most obvious with the plant harvesting tools, the sickle type is fastest. The eldritch loggin tool yields 3 logs per activation, the basic axe 5. When gathering from high-yield nodes like maxed synthesizers in guild halls, that means additional turns. 
I'm aware this is an annoyance & not exactly game-breaking, but, well, it does  add up. If we want to get back to the fun part asap, we're incentivised to use max-speed, max-yield tools. I just slapped the basic skins over my new hentai tentacle eldritch tools, even though that's my fetish i fancy them. Meh.
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