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Achievement Symbol appears on my head only in Lowland Shore

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So idk how this happened but after today's update, the achievement symbol appears on top of my character's head (in the place of mentor or commander tag). This only happens in Lowland Shore. I have no idea why this is the case but it's kinda annoying. I'll attach a video showcasing this and also I visit other maps in the video which showcases the achievement tag only appearing in Lowland Shore and reappearing again after loading in.

Also I dont know if this helps but I did some of the wisps things before talking to the second person and I still havent talked to the person yet, and I saw a bug mentioned on the patch, so maybe it could be related or something idk.


Edited by HarpooonGun.3678
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Same happened to me. Logged in today and had this icon above my char in Lowland Shore. Another map - nothing. Came back and had this icon appeared again.

Before logging off yesterday I talked to Flowering Meadow (star crossed lovers achiv). Saw that she could have a bug with dissapearing (and had this as well), and today I am the achivement step (this is some shifting responsibilities move duh).

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Got the same bug. Last achievement collection NPC I've talked to was the fish from the animal heist, and today I got that symbol over my head as soon as I arrive in Lowland Shore. Not sure if that has anything to do with it or if it rather has something to do with last night's patch and maybe having any one of those achievement collections active. (I have quite a few unfinished ones, so no idea which one might do that.)

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