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Legendary trinkets need some customisation


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Hey everyone,

As we know, ArenaNet have taken the time to develop legendary trinkets; most recently, Aurora. I am making a plea to ArenaNet that customisation of legendary trinkets will become a necessity rather than something fun and optional. Reasons why below...

There are a few issues with future releases of legendary trinkets, if and when they come.

  • Colour schemes - it would be very difficult to make 6 legendary accessories that all fit the same theme, style and make everyone happy.
    • Remedy: add dye nodes to the legendary accessories, I know the technology you have access to makes it difficult, but it is something that will need to be done to harmonise the colour schemes and balance with new trinkets.
    • Fallout if not implemented: Eventually our legendary accessory collection will expand; having multi-coloured legendaries can really throw the interest for some people. From a sales perspective; some people dump money on gems to afford legendaries - if there is wide customisation applied to them this would potentially increase interest for them and also increase gem sales when they are released.
  • No hiding/wardrobing - Currently, there is no option to hide or turn off legendary trinkets.
    • Remedy: The last thing people want to do is hide their shinies, but if the above implementation doesn't work, then something will need to follow up to further prevent style clashes. GW2's endgame is fashion, we need customisation in legendaries, especially trinkets.
    • Fallout if not implemented: If the dye options aren't added, having skinned legendary items would be pointless, however, some people may make them just for the stat swap feature - if so, it would be good to add a system where we can hide the trinkets.
  • Aurora dye node potential: 4 nodes...
    • First & second node: The first dye node targets the aura itself, it currently has two colours, blue and pinky-purple. This would be a great chance to take advantage of allowing players to customise this aura.
    • Third & fourth node: These target the planets that orbit the player upon entering combat. They are currently a blue-pink and cream-white colour. Same reason as above, targeting these features as dye channels would be great for customisation.

TL;DR: If more legendary accessories are made, customisation will become mandatory, rather than an optional thing that people want.

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@Seiken.3176 said:You're right,

Legendary Trinkets needs to be dyeable : aura and particules + hidden like head/shoulders/backpack

I hope we can garner enough attention to get this addressed; having 6 legendary trinkets with all the colours decided for us would be destructive to the fashion end-game that Guild Wars 2 has adopted.

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I'm going to craft all legendary trinkets just for the stat swap feature and I'm gonna be very upset with what my character is gonna look like if I can't customize anything about them. I'm already thinking about how I'll play the game without every drawing my weapon when I have finished Aurora... Maybe a good solution would be two sepperate modifiers, one to hide the Aura and one to hide the weapon-drawn effects.

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