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2 Warclaw bugs on Save Woodland Creatures adventure

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Disclaimer: If my spoken english is terrible (I know it is) just read, I'll put a written description of the 2 bugs.

In Janthir Syntri adventure: Save the woodland creatures, there are 2 bugs:

  1. You can "dig" in mid-air and it doesn't works. This is specially problematic because due to how the game works sometimes you do a normal dash and then press skill 2 but you are 1milimeter above ground and... it doesn't counts, and you can't move either. The ideal fix would be to ignore air presses and just fall to ground, so you can smash skill 2 a few times and it will trigger the first one on-ground.
  2. There is something invisible on that spot in the video that puts you in combat. It's not an enemy, it's not an NPC, it's not the tree, it's something. I don't know what, but it makes you lose 4 seconds on the adventure.
    Edit: Further research shows that there is a mursaat relic(mine) there. And even when disabled, it will still put you in combat. Needs fixing. It happens with all mines, so make them not put you in combat please.

For the sake of competition I feel these 2 bugs needs to be fixed because going around them is annoying to say the least. Wasted like 200 tries in the past week because of specifically those 2 bugs (this is not about getting gold, but about getting a good competition with my guildies).

Happy hunting!

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