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Some Suggestions for Homestead features from a fan

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Hi Arenanet!

First off, I want to commend you on the new Homestead feature introduced with the Janthir Wilds expansion. It's a fantastic addition to the game, and I've been thoroughly enjoying the customization and personal touches it brings to the player experience.
So, I'd like to suggest a few enhancements that could make the Homestead even more immersive and enjoyable:

1. Positioning Alternate Characters

It would be wonderful if we could manually position our alternate characters within the Homestead. Currently, they spawn in predetermined locations, but being able to place them where we want would allow for more creative and personalized setups.
2. Customizable Dialogue for Alternate Characters

Adding the ability to customize the dialogue of our alternate characters would enhance the role-playing aspect of the Homestead. It would be amazing if they could greet us or comment on the surroundings in ways that reflect their personalities.
3. Customizable Movement-Pathing or Emotes for Alternate Characters

Allowing us to set movement paths or assign specific emotes to our alternate characters would bring more life to the Homestead. This feature would make the space feel more dynamic and interactive.
4. More Decoration Themes

While the current selection of decorations is great, expanding the variety with different themes—such as cultural, seasonal, or exotic styles—would provide even more creative possibilities for players to express themselves.
5. Season and Weather Customization

Lastly, the ability to change the seasons or weather within the Homestead would add an extra layer of immersion. Whether it’s a snowy winter wonderland or a sunny spring day, this feature would allow players to match the Homestead environment with their mood or theme.
6. Sharing Homestead Setup Templates

It would be great to have the option to send our Homestead setups as templates to other players, making it easy for them to copy and replicate layouts. This feature could foster more creativity and collaboration among the community.

In any case, thank you for considering these suggestions. I'm excited to see how the Homestead feature evolves! ❤️

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I'd definitely concur that characters should be "positionable" - easiest route to take would be to have them just remember where they were when they logged off - no new UI needed.

The other character options strike me as things that would take a *lot* of work to do, and coming up with an intuitive UI to enable them seems like even more work.  While they'd be fun, I suspect the "bang for the buck" ratio on them isn't very high.

One other QoL request I'd have for the decorations is the ability to preview them.  Some of them are rather expensive in terms of scarce resources, and being able to see exactly what they look like before crafting them would be a genuinely welcome addition...

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