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Mursaat Runestones will be worthless/too abundant unless some drastic measure is taken.

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7 hours ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

It is not how economy works, it matters a lot.

It's a digital economy, my dude. Literally none of it is limited and it's all entirely arbitrary. The problem with it is the same as it always is in every MMO, or website, with a player driven economy: the small subsect of people who make it their life goal to accumulate as much gold as they can then complain that they have too much gold while complaining that other people also have gold and have ways to make gold. You see it in every game, like FFXIV, where the richest players have multiple characters and banks stuffed to the gil cap and do nothing but constantly complain they have nothing to spend it on, and any time square adds a big new million or billion gil gold sink, they buy it instantly and go back to complaining they're at gold cap the next day and want a new one while everyone else just looks at it knowing they'll never be able to afford it, and any time they do find some new way to earn money, those same rich players are the first to demand square shut it down. The best change WoW ever made was making gathering nodes individual because before that server economies were literally run by cabals of people who would pay other players, or bot, to aggressively gather - and especially on PVP servers where you could literally kill other players to stop them - and prevent anyone else from getting materials forcing them to buy from them and with their wealth they could afford to buy out the competition and maintain the prices at their level. PSO2's global economy was *literally* destroyed by a handful of players who made it their goal to purchase as many copies of highly valued items as they could, having nearly all of them in some cases, when they released using their knowledge of what was popular in the Japanese version of the game and an exploit that had taken place early on in the game to accrue as much meseta as possible before reporting it and getting it shut down before more people joined the game. And in every single one of these cases all of those players constantly complain about the economies and communities they created.

If you want mursaat stones to go up in value stop selling them in massive numbers. But none of you will. Instead you're just going to complain to try and make it harder for other people to get them or force them to be more vital in some stupid way like OP is.

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