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[NA][PVE] Roosted [RSED] Casual, Newb Friendly, Chillax 'n' Game!


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Hello all,
[RSED] Roosted is looking for more players to fill our ranks.
We accept New, Veterans & every type of player inbetween that are interested in exploring all that Guild Wars 2 has to offer.

We in Roosted are trying to build up a team of players who just like to the play the game, explore the world, and learn through trial and error. We don’t give a kitten about speed running or flawless first time runs. Not interested in looking up guides or walkthroughs (unless its real painful).
We are more about progression as a team, figuring out content together and having that “Fug Ya” moment when the final boss is defeated. This mind set does not mean we walk in unprepared. Having a good raid comp, boons covered & consumables etc is all part of pushing higher tier content.

Abit about us:
Our guild leadership is made up of Veteran MMO Players who have been around many games over the decades. We are all *cough* mature people who have lives outside the game, some with families etc, but still make the time to game with our teammates. 
Gaming is our passion, and Guild Wars 2 is our latest obsession! While most of us are new to the game, we’ve quickly discovered all the great and unique aspects has to offer.

We really want to build up a community of like-minded players who want to push through the raids, fractals, meta events, all while maintaining the attitude that “this is a game, we are here to have fun” but, eventually & when members are ready! 💯

Our Main times for Group Content is at Noon PST > Reset but, subject to change to line up with members RL schedules & different timezones as we have members from the US, UK & some  in Aus.
We have a Discord server, not required to join, but if you do want to take on the higher tier content it makes sense to at least be hanging out in the voice chat so you can hear the call outs and or instructions.


If we sound like a good fit for you or if you have any questions, Please feel free to leave a reply message below or contact:

GM: Whispa.8926
Officer: Omega Contagion.6421
Recruiter: DeadClocks.6901

Thankyou for taking the time to read through our post, hope to see you ingame soon ☺

Edited by DeadClocks.6901
Changed Title, added Discord Link.
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  • DeadClocks.6901 changed the title to [NA][PVE] Roosted [RSED] Casual, Newb Friendly, Chillax 'n' Game!

Still looking for those players seeking a chillax & very friendly Guild while they explore and accomplish all that Gw2 has to offer.

Please reply below & add any questions you may have before giving us a go.

Remember, you can join 5 Guilds in GW2, if we don't in the end fit your ideal home, we wouldn't like to see you leave but it is an option!

Good Luck & Happy Gaming 😃

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