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Game dropping my W (Forward Key) input.


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So I was doing the winter wonderland jumping puzzle and every now and then the game drops my input as in my character can move all directions except forward, now at first I thought my keyboard was broken but then I tried using my older keyboard and eventually the same thing happened and I don't think that both of my keyboards just happen to have the exact same problem. I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

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I have run into that same exact issue and I also thought it was my keyboard going bad. But I think it actually has to do with latency or lagging on the server. I found that if I am running forward I will just suddenly stop moving forward and stand there. I then have to tap the W key again to start moving. It is random, but I am thinking (maybe incorrectly so) that it is due to a sudden spike of lag. (Which I have been having bouts of since around Halloween time... Some days better than others...)

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I have this happen quite a bit, as well as the right click not changing the camera.For the forward movement issue, it's not the keyboard, because as soon as I hit a strafe key while still holding the w, I start moving forward again.For the right click issue, it usually happens while on a mount, and I have to hit it again really fast, but I usually end up overshooting my target or turn and falling a looooong way down.

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Input dropping has been around since launch. It happens more frequently with higher latency. You can test it by spinning camera while moving and hitting skills - you'll either stop moving, camera rotation will funk out and/or skills (more to do with queuing) will go wonky.

They'll never fix it.

If you spend time testing your threshold for input drops it will help you work out how best to avoid it and which combos/quick succession casts you need to manage more closely. For example on ele there are certain chain casts i do but i have to make sure not to hold down right mouse button (which i have a bad habit of holding down 90% of the time) otherwise they bork and misfire.

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