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[FA] [PvX] The Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]


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Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP]

  • Founded in 2005 ○ http://www.espguild.com ○ International Player Base ○ 18+ ○ Discord Voice Chat
  • Council: Karuna.1357, Missy.6803, DragoTheWise.7256, Burjis.3087
  • Officers: JoPo.9028, Snipe Evon.8549, The Deviant One.9278, TheBladeRoden.4571, Trisscar.7206, Hepatitis.5034

Events: Guild Missions 1x/week, WvW 3x/week, Guild Raids 2x/week, Weekly HoT, Weekly Dungeons/Fractals, Fully Upgraded Guild Hall, Plus Lots of Various Yearly Events and Parties


Here is a quick and dirty history:

ESP started out as a small group of GW1 players back in June of 2005. We found that we enjoyed a special bond together and stuck it out throughout all the ups and downs of the game -- gradually growing over the years, making new friends and adding more features and diverse activities to accommodate our growing member base. In 2006 we were recognized as a Guild of the Week by ArenaNet and made it on to their list of Notable Guilds in the game.

By 2010 our membership was well over 100 players, a mark we reached through our philosophy of slow, sustained growth and member retention by making this a fun, unique, inclusive place for people to play. These days, we maintain a family of around 120 members in GW2. While this may seem like a large number to some, we have managed to hold on to that close-knit community feel that we originated with. Having more people just means we have the resources to do even more events and can maintain activities in multiple time zones.


ESP is a community where every member makes a difference and we focus on interaction. We host an extremely wide variety of events, all of which originate from member feedback. Rather that focus solely on one particular aspect of the game, we seek variety and find adventure in all that Guild Wars 2 has to offer us. To facilitate our guild activities we actively utilize our guild forums and we have our own Discord server.

Our member base features players from all over the world(except for Antarctica) and officers based in North America, South America, Europe, Australia, and the Middle East, ensuring that people have an opportunity to join in on guild activities regardless of your time zone. Our guild is mainly on NA server Fort Aspenwood, but we welcome members from any NA server so we can enjoy the game together.

We are an 18+ guild. We expect guild members to represent ESP when joining for guild events. While we have a very low representation policy, we expect interactivity such as talking in chat, going to guild events, and donating will be our way of making sure we stay a social PvX Guild.


We are currently accepting new members into our guild. Please feel welcome to post an application at http://www.espguild.com and/or look for any of our members in game. We speak with all applicants personally, either in game or via voice chat, before sending an invite. Essentially, we look for players who are fun, sociable, and willing to take part in guild events when they have the free time to play. We do realize this is a game and not a commitment so your level of activity is not of primary concern so long as you make reasonable efforts to let us know that you wish to remain in the guild.

We welcome any questions that people may have. You can reach us via pm directly in Guild Wars 2 or by posting on our forums. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings again everyone!

ESP is looking forward to this great new year of 2018 to have fun as a community! We hope that whatever Anet gives us this year that we can all have fun together no matter it'll be in WvW, to open world, to living story, or diving into raids. We also have a whole year filled with various in-game parties each with their own set of games and prizes :) In fact, we have one party approaching within a month! "ESP Harmony" I'm sure there will be plenty of loving to go about and plenty of co-op games to share at the party.

Feel free to drop by our forums or PM us in-game or on the forums. We will be delighted to answer any questions about joining our guild or anything else :)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Greetings, Tyria!The month of love and massacre is upon us which brings our annual February event, ESP - Harmony! We have 6 annual parties, we participate in Gamers Giving Back's Pink Day, and several day long random events, such as a fractals marathon! If you're looking for a group to help others and receive help as well as fun, look us up. We are international, primary NA.Our WvW is blasting off from our recent transfer from Tarnished Coast to Fort Aspenwood! Our numbers have tripled and grows each week. Being on FA is only needed for WvW, but all other content you just need to be on an NA server.espguild.com-Missy

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  • 1 month later...

Hello potential guildies!

ESP is a guild that just keeps on growing with lots of nice, awesome people. We have events every day from raids, fractals, pvp, dungeons, and WvW. We also have events for bounty kills in elona and a new one focused on killing world bosses. There is always something you can do on a given day or can form a pick up group for anything. We also have a pvp tournament coming in April that should be a lot of fun! If interested, you can pm any of the officers or go to our website. Hope to see you in game :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Readers!

ESP is a great guild to join for its friendly, active, and social community. In addition to our weekly schedule of daily events in both Tyria and the Mists, we have fun and thematic parties with equally thematic prizes at our guild hall, including two happening this weekend: Platypusapalooza 2018 and Bloodshed! - our 2v2 PvP Tournament!

To answer Tron's question, most of our events start in the evening; roughly 5 PM Pacific, give or take an hour depending on the event. Some days also have more than one, usually later in the evening.


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  • 3 months later...

Greetings Players of GW2!!

ESP continues to be a fun and entertaining place for all! I am proud to announce that our recent QugganBall day was a success! The winners received some niffty prizes plus a monument in their honor within the guild hall for all to see! While August and September don't have much of the way of our special parties, it is simply a time to prepare for our awesome Halloween party that we do every year! With the introduction with roller beetles, I see some races on the horizon as well :)

No matter what gamemode you play, we will be glad to have you in our guild! All skill levels are welcome. As a personal message as raid leader, I am always open in helping those who wish to take that big step into raiding!

Thanks! And I hope you consider joining our awesome community :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings GW2 players!

ESP is always looking for new people to join our guild. If you're looking for a guild that does fractals, raids, WvW, pvp, dungeons, and whatever pve you need, you've come to the right guild! We have people of all skill levels that love to help to each through difficult content so everyone can be better as a result. Our guild has various events/parties that we have throughout the year to just relax and have some fun. I'm one of the people that heads up our pvp, so if you are interested in that aspect of GW2, you can always message me regarding that or the other content we partake in. See you in game and hopefully in our guild in the future :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Viewers!

If you're looking for a friendly community that participates in many of the fun activities that the game has to offer, I recommend checking out our guild. ESP mixes a weekly schedule of PvE, sPVP, and WvW with parties and spontaneous meetups to help each other out and have fun. Check out our website (linked in first post) and contact us in-game if you're interested and have more questions!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Greetings Everyone!!

I hope, you, the GW2 community is doing well! ESP is still open for recruitment and we offer plenty of fun! Weekly schedule has a mix of all types of gamemodes, so there is a little bit for everyone! Since it is October, ESP will be hosting our Halloween party later this month! There will be plenty of custom games that our own community comes up with PLUS there will be plenty of cool prizes to win!

Feel free to poke our leadership team for more info and visit www.espguild.com~Drago

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  • 1 month later...

Hello gamers!As you might have gathered from the opening post, ESP has been around for quite a long time, and will be so for a long time to come. During this time, we've gathered quite a bit of experience in what would make a strong community of players that can have quite different goals in the game and yet enjoy being around one another.We don't pick our members based on how much experience they have in the game or how good (or is it gud?) they are. It's their sense of camaraderie and community that attracts them to ESP and would keep them there.If you're interested to know more about us, check us out at www.espguild.com

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings All!We from ESP wish you a upcoming Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas! ESP is rockin' the Wintersday event as many of us play anything from bells to throwing snowballs to jumping puzzles! We've also come together as a guild to take on the Secret Lair of the Snowmen. We are planning to having another one of our awesome ESP parties in January where there will be unique in-game mini games and prizes!We hope you could consider ESP as a new home. We are always open to various levels of player levels and walks of life.

Thanks! And found out more at www.espguild.com

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello everyone!

Hope you all are doing well! If you are reading through and are thinking about checking out a new guild, why not come along and try out ESP? We are a PvX guild that has organized activities for many things (raids, fractals, three times a week WvW) including some really fun guild parties! One of those is coming up very soon here in January, so if you have been wanting to find a new guild home, why not give ESP a try?

If you are interested, go check out our site at www.espguild.com, where you can read our guild charter and apply for membership, plus find links to our discord. You can poke me on there if you want someone to ask questions to as well!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Viewers!

ESP continues to host a variety of events for many of the game's activities and challenges. Chill weekly guild missions, fractal runs at whatever tier you can manage, chaotic roaming in the mist war, and a supportive raid group are some of the things to look forward to in the guild.

Check out our website (linked in first post) and contact us in-game if you're interested and have more questions!


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Are you psychic? Do you have telekinesis? Fart thunder? kitten lightning? Neither do we. But this is a video game, so... /shrug

We are pretty much a full service guild. We have scheduled times for pretty much all major activities and if there's something we're not doing that you'd like to do we're pretty quick to spin something up. We also like to help folks progress and have a plethora of highly seasoned players. Of course, that's what comes with an 11+ year old Guild Wars focused guild. From a green sapling to an ancient plank, we accept all levels of play. The only kind we really don't accept are jerks and children.

So if you're a grown up wanting to play video games then put in an application at the following link (You'll need to register):http://www.espguild.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?6-Join-the-Everlasting-Sacred-Path

(I mean, really, who doesn't want to hang out with Hepatitis? Amirite?)

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