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WvW Trebuchet Bugged - Can't aim, it turns by itself, shot sideways

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Aye larger pop servers are destroying smaller pop servers because they can't defend themselves. It's total chaos and people are logging off, I mean I guess seige randomly shooing at a 180degrees instead of the 90 and the auto spinning mortars that shoot backwards, does provide a challenge, but not fun when you're getting annihilated.As programmer "oopsies" go, not sure how I would rate this, basically 2/3 of the teams are just going to log off and 1 server will just slowly paper everything while we go watch TV or go see what other MMORPG's look like fun now.

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I wonder if this is affecting all siege type weapons even in PVE. I'm working on the last of my personal story "Victory or Death" where you have to use the cannon to block the giants in Arah dungeon. I keep getting a message that says something along the lines of you can't aim that way. Since I can't kill the giants, I can't complete the story or dungeon.

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The Patch on the 9th introduced a strange bug in WvW. I placed a catapult and build it up with supply. When it finished building, the catapult displayed facing 90 degrees to the left of the way I placed it. When fired, it shot in the direction I originally placed it. In other words, it shoots 90 degrees to the right of the way it is facing.

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I was commanding in WvW last night, so I can give some more details on the extent of this bug.

The biggest problem is that a part of this bug (no, not all of it, see the length of this post) affects all superior catapults, superior trebuchets, and superior ballistas in several ways. Firstly, they deploy 180 degrees in the wrong direction visually, so if you deploy it facing a wall, then it visually faces in the opposite direction. On it's own, this would be a fairly minor annoyance, you just remember to make them face exactly the wrong direction when you place them, and the problem is solved. However, they fire in 90 degrees the wrong direction, so you have to turn them to a 90 degree angle in order to hit your target. This looks utterly stupid and is being openly mocked more and more by the player base.

So, if you want to fire north, you have to place the catapult facing west, so it builds and appears to face and fire east, to make the projectile go north. Yes, really. All three items are that broken, for all players, on all severs, right now.

But wait, there's more! The projectiles fired by the siege doesn't always display for all players. In several cases, players (including myself) assumed their weapons simply did not fire, as they did not see the projectiles, despite other players seeing them, (firing in 90 degrees in the wrong direction). This wasn't a single projectile, but a constant thing, so a player manning the siege could never see their siege fire, and would naturally assume that it did not work. Only through TeamSpeak did we realise they were "working" at all.

While I did see some of the siege turning on it's own, including while I was manning it, this was fairly minor, as manning and unmanning the siege could fix this part of the bug.

Superior rams also face 90 degrees the wrong direction in order to hit gates, but this has little game play effect, it just looks stupid.

Superior arrow carts also appear to face 90 degrees in the wrong direction when they fire, but again, this is a visual only bug.

I also heard reports or mortars and cannons doing very similar, broken things, but did not personally witness this.

My point is this is a big damn deal, this has in effect completely broken WvW for a lot of people, and needs a hotfix ASAP!


Commander Steve McLogicGandara Server

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