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Downed State Bug in PoF maps

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I've been seeing this happen more often in Domain of Vabbi than other PoF maps, but about every minute or so my toons put out the downed state cries when they're in no danger whatsoever. There's no one around who's even in need of assistance, so I definitely know it's my character doing it.

I don't know if this only happens once your toon is downed/dead after being in the instance, or if it just starts doing it after entering the map. However it is becoming annoying.

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I have been having the same issues with my Mirage in Domain of Vabbi. It's becoming confusing to other members of the party, who keep looking to see where I have fallen, when I obviously haven't. I've tried relogging, leaving the region and coming back, getting myself killed, but nothing stops it. This - combined with the latency issue where toons are appearing to be stuck, when they're actually somewhere else entirely - is now starting to spoil the game for all three of us.

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