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Revenent utility skills revert after moutning/dismounting

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While mounting up and dismounting, Revenet skills revert to either defualt hotkeys or your previous changed hotkey if it has been saved long enough. This does not happen with other classes, and does happen with any mount.

Replication video:

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Logon to any revenent character
  2. Swap positions of any utility skills (I replicated htis issue swapping Riposting shadows and Phase Travel)
  3. Mount any mount (For replication I used a Jackal)
  4. Dismount your mount

Expected results: Swapped hotkeys remain in their new positionObserved results: Swapped hotkeys are reverted to what they were before.

This was present before the Febuary 8th patch, however I was hoping it would be fixed in the patch.

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