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Impossible Odds Bugged?

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Hello everyone,

I am a returning player after a 2 year break. Recently got my Renegade and started playing around with the traits and skills. I've been testing around a build using a bow and the skill "Impossible Odds" doesn't seem to proc on any of my attacks. When activated, it only does damage once and not an additional time based on what the description states.

Here is what I tried:

I tried attacking once and it just did the extra damage from the basic skill.I tried attacking twice and only received the extra damage from IO but not the proc.

Attached is a screenshot of my log while attacking one of the many creatures I tested this on.


Has anybody noticed similar issues? If so, this seems like something that needs to be fixed.

Thank you once again for your help and I am anxious to hear about your results. :)

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Hmmm maybe you misunderstood the description. This skill effect is like this: everytime you attack, you get an addition strike that deal damage it state at the top of description. For example if your damage is 1000 and your IO damage is 500, your total damage is not (1000 x 2) + 500 = 2500, it is only 1000 +500 = 1500. So this skill work as intend

Or maybe i misunderstood what you mean.

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