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[EU] The Celestial Trading Company is looking for new raiders! [TCTC]


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The Celestial Trading Company [TCTC]

We are looking for like-minded people to have fun and play around in raids with. You're experienced and are just looking for a bunch of non-toxic people to raid with? You are new to raiding, can't get into any PUGs, but you're very eager to learn and Improve? TCTC has you covered!This guild group is perfect for everyone who are already happy in their own guild but wants to experience end game content, without having to worry about representing or joining in on other events. Just be ambitious and enjoy raiding with nice and relaxed folks!

The idea behind this guild project is to have a pool of great people available for raids and fractals at any time, like your own personal LFG channel with members you know are friendly and patient.

What do we expect of you?

We do NOT require any Legendary Insights at all. We don’t care if you have never raided before, as long as you are willing to learn and improve by every boss pull.

  • You must be over 25 years old and speak / write decent english. (if you are slightly younger than that but feel that you would fit in with us oldies anyway, grab me for a chat)
  • You must be well experienced with all the classes you want to play and know your rotation through and through to be able to put out the DPS required. I will want to know how you perform on the Training Golem. (not needed for healers)
  • You must have a Meta Build from Quantify or Meta Battle, with the right armour runes and weapon sigils.
  • You must know tactics for all raid wings, even if it’s just in theory. Watching videos of the encounters before you join is mandatory!
  • You must have ascended quality on jewellery, accessory and weapons. For raid wings 2,3+4 you need several pieces of ascended armour as well.
  • You must always be prepared with food and utility buffs.
  • You must be patient, friendly and mature. We will die, we will mess up. We don’t care much for rage, stress or rush. We’re here to enjoy the game.

We will arrange Training Raids, so do not worry about being inexperienced!Additionally, we have a "Class Mentor List". So, if you need help or just some pointers on any class, you can just message the corresponding person in that list and ask for help.We also have quite a few fractal frequenters, who'd be up for T4s and CMs in between all the raiding.

Since we expect everyone in TCTC to be skilled, friendly and have a steep learning curve, we will unfortunately remove people that are either inactive or doesn’t show the kind of progress we expect. I will always be available for chats though, so don’t be afraid to tell me that you need a little extra time to learn. We are understanding people!

We don’t operate with a website for this guild raid group, only a Discord server for chat and voice. Grab me in-game for a talk if you are interested or send me a mail! Zenid.8519

Have fun in Tyria!

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I'm a returning player with alot of raiding experience mostly in World of Warcraft and some in GW2 wings 1&2. Due to my busy IRL schedule I don't have that much time to game but the time I do have I want to dedicate it to a great guild/community in which I can grow and who can help me get back in the game. I have a condi soulbeast fully geared and gearing a weaver. Willing to respec and regear if needed, also willing to train any other of my characters to support the guild.

Message me in game if possible

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