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The Departing Living story instance bugged...


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Got as far as reclaiming my name and purpose, defeating the Eater of Souls. Walked up to the gate blocking the portal back to Tyria ONLY TO BE DC'd from the game... Re-entered the instance to find I'm at the beginning again...

This isn't the only glitch I've been confronted with whilst playing through living world season 4... Glint's cavern was glitched towards the end with a similar DC issue right at the end of the instance which also ploughed me in from the beginning again. The Facing The Truth instance was also initially bugged whereby the floor puzzle originally didn't appear as an interactive object. After finally finding the forgotten city in The Way Forward, I had to log out and log back in in order to find the power crystal to energise the pedestals.

In my opinion the quality control in living world season 4 is non-existant... What gives??

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm getting this issue right at the end of "The Departing". After taking out the Eater of Souls, I get half way through the dialogue when I dismiss the prisoner (Joko's) offer of raising an army. (I get as far as the dialogue "I may need an army, but I don't need you!") This step never seems to complete. When I proceed to the gate to leave the Domain of the Lost, I get DC'd. This has happened twice now.

Have posted this already as a reply to someone else's post... I'm repeating it here in context with my original post in hope that these extra details may help to solve the problem... Yes... I did flush my DNS cache before the second attempt...

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