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[NA, TC][Casual PvX] Bunny Foofoo Belly Button Lint [FUZZ]


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@Seamus.8427 said:I have been playing for about 5 weeks, trying different race/class/gender combinations trying to learn basic game skills. It has been a lonely trek, and I realize that a guild will vastly improve my enjoyment. Searching for a guild brought me to this forum, and FUZZ seems like the type of group I am seeking...I have a LOT to learn, and you seem to be folks that will allow me the time to learn. Sooo, I would request an invite to the guild. Thanks...Jim

@HeaterEngineer.3195 said:looking for a cool group to have some fun with in the evenings. I'm a seasoned(old) GW2 launch player who just recently returned to the game. If you'll have me please send and invite. Thanks!

Hey folks, I have invited you both as of now. Sorry for the delay in response; been super busy! Gonna have to make one of my officers do this if I am not on!

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Time for the weekly bumperoni! All of us are excited for the Mad King to return to the realm this upcoming week!

In our PvE branch of things, we have a lot of members breaking through fractals and progressing their way to the T4 fun! It is never too late to start developing and learning the ways of fractals! Raids are in debate at the moment, once again, since we have recruited and picked up more interest for it since the last time they were hosted. However, we're not solely recruiting just a fractal / raid player. We like our all-rounded members who want to be with us no matter what content you go about! And we hope we can convince you of that, too.

We're, definitely, looking for more WvW players that have a focus on roam/havoc (I mean, zerging, too, but we're not gonna be pulling off zergs anytime soon until we get more training time in)! TC is a continually growing servers, but needs to grab more players in its foothold to establish a basis! OCX/SEA folks highly encouraged, we need you guys the most!

Don't hesitate to give anyone on the front page a ring if you're interested, or hit us up with a response here! :)

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Happy Mad King to all! I, alongside of other guild members, have been very excited about this holiday event, and we hope we recruit those who feel the same for the game everyday!

We recently got ourselves a raid leader in our guild, and they are beginning their raiding adventures on this upcoming Monday; whether or not it goes well or horribly, we value having fun above all else! We are not exclusively recruiting for raids, however.

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Hi there! I'm a returning player from launch, and I'm very interested in your guild. I have to say the guild name certainly drew me in but it seems like your guild share similar values to my own. I prefer to not focus on one thing at a time, but rather do a bit of everything at one (unless I have a clear goal at the time then I get some tunnel vision). I stopped playing right around the release of Fractals so I dont have much experience outside of dungeons and spvp but I would love to play with you all!

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@PIDoyle.7239 said:Hi there! I'm a returning player from launch, and I'm very interested in your guild. I have to say the guild name certainly drew me in but it seems like your guild share similar values to my own. I prefer to not focus on one thing at a time, but rather do a bit of everything at one (unless I have a clear goal at the time then I get some tunnel vision). I stopped playing right around the release of Fractals so I dont have much experience outside of dungeons and spvp but I would love to play with you all!

Welcome back to GW2, and I will get you an invite sent this evenin!

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Howdy ya'll. Got a bit burned out in WoW and decided to pick up GW2 (literally just yesterday :tongue: ) and am going through the leveling process. Decided to look for a guild to join and came across your post, then saw that you used D_ouche Canoe on your Google Doc and knew this was the right place for me. I'd love to get an invite and have some folks to talk to instead of pondering the meaning of the universe while the eternal void of emptiness fills my ears.

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@Mepheston.1452 said:Howdy ya'll. Got a bit burned out in WoW and decided to pick up GW2 (literally just yesterday :tongue: ) and am going through the leveling process. Decided to look for a guild to join and came across your post, then saw that you used D_ouche Canoe on your Google Doc and knew this was the right place for me. I'd love to get an invite and have some folks to talk to instead of pondering the meaning of the universe while the eternal void of emptiness fills my ears.

That was a... deep way of asking for an invite (at least towards the end), but I'm glad you're confident in telling us that. ;)

I will send you an inv. Welcome!

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Returning player. I would quite like to be a lint licker. I work 2 nights a week and Saturdays (EST), so I hope that doesn't affect anything. I'm also more of a PvE person and looking to casually derp in fractals and open world, and eventually casually raid and die a lot. I also just happen to be on TC

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@"tsunderehatter.9534" said:Returning player. I would quite like to be a lint licker. I work 2 nights a week and Saturdays (EST), so I hope that doesn't affect anything. I'm also more of a PvE person and looking to casually kitten in fractals and open world, and eventually casually raid and die a lot. I also just happen to be on TC

And a licker of lint you shall become! I will send you an invite before I log off this evening. See you soon~

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Heyo! Returning player since launch, just coming back from a short break and noticed my guild has gone...well...quiet! So, here I am looking for a lively guild to do stuff with! I want to start maining necro myself, though I have everything at 80 for whatever is needed, as well as learn fractals and possibly raids if the occasion arises! I am on Yak's Bend, however I am up for transferring if all is well!

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@Serephral.2683 said:Heyo! Returning player since launch, just coming back from a short break and noticed my guild has gone...well...quiet! So, here I am looking for a lively guild to do stuff with! I want to start maining necro myself, though I have everything at 80 for whatever is needed, as well as learn fractals and possibly raids if the occasion arises! I am on Yak's Bend, however I am up for transferring if all is well!

Hey there! I have got you an invite. Sorry to hear about your old guild, hopefully we can provide a place in that void! :)

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I'd love to join your guild if you'll have me. I'm a pretty casual player - I play whenever I can. I haven't done any of the dungeons or fractals yet but I'd like to at some point. I definitely still have a lot to learn, but I'd like to help in any way that I can.

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@MishaB.1048 said:I'd love to join your guild if you'll have me. I'm a pretty casual player - I play whenever I can. I haven't done any of the dungeons or fractals yet but I'd like to at some point. I definitely still have a lot to learn, but I'd like to help in any way that I can.

@aberrantone.5410 said:Me and my daughter, Shiny K.1963 are interested. If you can send me an in-game message before invite. Also we have Discord.

Hi folks, I have got you both (plus aberrantone's daughter) an invite sent this afternoon! Welcome to FUZZ!

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