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Game Of Thrones Themed Guild LFM

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Hello Lords and Ladys!

Our guild - Born To Be Wildling [GoT] is looking to build a fun and active community. We welcome all new and veteran players to grow with us and get to know each other.

Some basic information:

1) We are a Game Of Thrones based Guild. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a fan but it does give us something in common :)2) We are currently small but active. Our members are willing to help everyone with ingame achievements, Hero points, etc!3) We are not building a guild, we are building a community. We want each members input and you are not just a number like the larger guilds. We want to get to know each other and have fun in GW2! Ranks are assigned by your Major House names that you choose to be loyal to (Stark, Lannister, Targaryen, etc). No one is above another. (With the exception of the Leader ranks as is expected but we don't look at it that way).4) We have plans to host upcoming events for the entire GW2 community to have fun in GW2 with exciting ideas for community events.5) We use discord for communication, whether it text or voice. I have worked on it for weeks to make it very helpful.6) There are Memes.7) There are Memes for days.8) Did I mention Memes? Oh yeah discord also has Game of Thrones emojis.9) We do Guild Missions.10) We are a PvX Guild meaning we do a little of everything. Most of the WvW players are on SoS server.11) We have the Gilded Hollow Guild Hall and are working to make it better each week.12) Must be 18+. We do keep the discord clean but there are NSFW channels if you want access.

These are some basic points but if you have any questions please PM me ingame at TasteOfChaos.2198 or Blondie.2143 and we will get you set up. Thank you very much!

You can also reach me almost 24/7 via my discord at: Taste Of Chaos#4742

Valar Morghulis.

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  • 11 months later...

I am a returning player after a long hiatus, starting everything all over again. I know a lot has changed with GW2 since my time, but I did manage to purchase HoT after it first came out before I faded away to nothing due to family and financial concerns. I am a casual/social player for the most part as a married man and a new grandfather. As any Lore lover, I am HEAVILY into PvE... but I do have a small interest... "maybe"... in eventually trying fractals/Raids (those terminologies throw me) and WvW does give me a shiver if "Battlegrounds" is the equivalent term from my old WoW days.I too am a GoT lover and the Starks draw my attention for obvious tragic but honorable reasons, lol. Now my goal is to read the books for the real story that inspired the show. I have played a variety of toons in the past but always found myself drawn back to a Ranger as I love the longbow and a loyal pet by my side and like any good Stark worth his wolf blood, who doesn't like a greatsword on their back?
Having finally returned, I am on the server called Borlis Pass (will that make a difference?) and it's a human Ranger who once again calls to me.Sabian Stark is his name.

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