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I cant see the website.

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I'm not sure if anyone else has had this issue but i am not able to see the links of the website. I can navigate the website just fine. When it comes to clicking on the Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire i get 1 white and 1 black page. Each one has broken links for images and i can only see 1 line of text for each item displayed. Is it because im still on Windows 7? Or is there something wrong with my firefox because i dont have any issues with any other websites ive come across on the net. So it baffles me as to why this website specifically would do it. I do know that when i use discord, there are certain display icons that can be inserted into the discord that i cant see because they are W10 items.

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@Sabakarious.4297 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Tried turning off all ad-blockers and such? (Some virus scanners include such features.)

Good luck.

Just turned off my adblock and refreshed and it did nothing. And i use BitDefender im in the game and everything just fine. Its just accessing the DLC portions of the website.

Can you hit up the "developer tools" or whatever in your browser, and see if there are any JavaScript errors or whatever?

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