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Druid PvP


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Hey GW2! :)

First off I have played GW2 since day one and have always loved ranger. I have mained nothing but Druid for PvE and PvP since it’s released. I absolutely love it with a passion. I’m just curious what is everyone else’s PvP Builds for Druids? Personally I always played Bunker but now I play offensive. I tried the whole long bow and 2h but I personally hate the 2H. I’ve been doing actually Staff/Long Bow and it’s been doing great. Basically be a sniper in game but I use my staff to shield from other snipers and for its mobility. I like having the Druid spec cause I use my celest form to stack might to snipe harder. I’ve read so many main stream Druid builds and tips I was just curious in first hand Builds from the community! ^_^

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