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Still getting games that are obvious BS


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Had two games back to back that are obvious throws, when is the afk bot farming/wintrading going to end? Never?

Not only were the guys on the other team were absolutely terrible, it is not physically possible for the match maker to call this a real matched game because the people on my team were actually negative value. Our guardian literally followed me home at the start of the match and then just wandered around for about 2 minutes aimlessly. Following that my entire team just continuously fed mid and chain died everywhere on the map with no thought to surviving, regrouping, or literally anything that would have helped turn the match around or even make any attempt to survive at any point. Is this really pvp in gw2 now?

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I dunno man we all have bad games. There are terrible players in every other pvp game and we all get blowout matches from time to time. But what are we supposed to do? Get mad or get good. I play pvp cause I enjoy it even though I get bad games. I try my best and if shit happens it happens. Just report and move on. If it's getting too stressful then stop playing. Take a break and play again when you feel like. Bad games with dcs and afks are out of your control. Best not to linger over it. Salty players are worse than afkers.

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It's funny that you say get mad or get good, because neither has any effect on the outcome of games. What affects games right now is queuing as a duo in the lower brackets (by lowering the odds of having an afk teammate) and win trading in the higher (or any) brackets, and not really anything else.

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