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Does changing Guild Halls reset progress?


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Changing to the new guild hall does not reset your progress; speaking from experience. I would suggest you clear all the decorations from your guild hall using the "Clear Decorations" button before you activate (pay the 100g) the mission for the new hall (this is when you lose access to your original hall.) I personally don't trust that something wouldn't get lost or bugged, and manually clearing decorations gave me peace of mind.

Some differences to note between the old halls and the new: you do not get an airship; the war room is a floating building reached via teleport, and you essentially only get the upgrade buildings which be/come pre-decorated as you upgrade them (there's no little houses or rooms and places to really decorate much.)

The mission to claim is similar to the old halls, same mechanics, but seemed easier. We 4-manned it with 2 minion-master scourges, 1 druid ranger, and a holosmith; only failed the very first spawn before we got in our groove. With 4 people, you have to clear 5 spawn waves; you first kill the 2 veterans with the swords over their head; this drops the bubble on the champ and about every 30% decrease in HP his bubble comes back and 2 new veterans spawn. Kill vets, attack champ when bubble down, repeat until dead. There are very few trash adds to the fights that you have to worry about. The timer will be your enemy if you don't have enough DPS; we beat each wave with only 30 seconds to 1 minute to spare.

The final legendary forged that spawned was a straight-forward spank & tank fight. The only special mechanic is that if a player dropped below 50% health, the boss would do this knockdown charge to this player that would instant-kill them. It did not seem to ever activate this ability on anyone above 50% health (or when everyone had high health), and it was able to be dodged sometimes. If you've done any of the new content, you should have exposure to the forged mobs that charge and knowndown; this is just a legendary version. The hall is small enough and there are enough close waypoints that those who die can very quickly get back into the fight, so dying should not prevent completion as long as you have the DPS to kill the boss in 10 minutes.

The only terrain area you need to worry about getting stuck in is around the base of the PvP arena; and all the waves spawn in a circle around the guild hall buildings. The tar elementals all over the hall seemed to ignore us as long as we were mounted.

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