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DakotaCoty's concept, content, guides and tip index


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Hello everyone, I consider myself a content & concept creator - where I create content out of concept ideas and planning them etc...

Below are some links of my content and concepts, also side projects like keeping players up to date with the BLC sales, returning items and more.

All bit.ly links redirect to Facebook and no other site.(xx/xx/xxxx) Indicates last updated.

(10/09/2017) - Research & Guides:


  • RIBA, 2,800g/2weeks - Research and semi-guide published to help people understand how they can make 2,800g in 2 weeks or in 2 months. Maths included, with evidence and pie charts.


(Ongoing...) - TP / News updates:

(08/07/2017) - Guild Wars 2 Concept ideas:

--- Tip History ---(08/05/2017) This week's tips:

  • Sunday's Tip - Maximising efficiency in Turret farm.
  • Monday's Tip - Getting into raid groups.
  • Tuesday's Tip - Using your resources... Links, guides & more.
  • Wednesday's Tip - Map metas and why to do them regularly.I missed Thursday's tip due to lots of RL stuff going on; guests, family and new sofa, I'll make up for it.
  • Friday's Tip - Silverwastes farming, an alternative to Engineer farm.
  • Saturday's Tip - feedback for me, Twitch vs YouTube Gaming.
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