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Situational Awareness

Sky Dragon.2847

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I wouldn't say i am super new to pvp, as I have SOME understanding of how things work, but i recently came back to the game and been having issues trying to play D/P Thief. I know a big part of my job is to decap and right now im stuck floating between gold2-3. I notice a common theme of someone on my team trying to camp far or keeps pulling enemies to far preventing me from decapping, even when we're struggling to keep the other points. In a situation where a player on my team refuses to let me just decap and fight for mid or home control, what should I do? I usually just try to +1 fights or pop in team fights for bursts and stomps. It gets old seeing "shit thief" in chat after awhile lol. Any feedback or tips would be appreciated.

P.S. Refrain from just telling me to class swap, if you do please give reasoning at least

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Not much you can do, even necro's now days play the thiefs role... always see reapers trying solo side nodes and avoid team fights and once the mid fight is over, everyone literally runs away before even capping the point which forces the thief to double back and cap...

I have this issue trying to play support too, I claim I'll be supporting our nec but then our nec will just free roam off point... Finish the first mid fight, follow the nec to far and get rolled by 4 players because I followed him on a bad rotation at a bad time.. (like who goes far when 4 players are about to spawn)

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D/p thief is meant to actually +1 and create umeven fights. Decaps are one of the tools to do that, by pulling people out of a fight to afk on a point while his team is -1 elsewhere.

I feel like d/p thief just isn't a great build at the moment for a few reasons. PoF has too many invulns for bruisers for thief to finish them quick, too much anti-melee for d/p to stick around (looking at you scourge, Holo, spell breaker), too many other builds with as much mobility but more damage and invulns (rev, mirage, even holo if they rocket boots, core hammer guard bursts harder but with less mobility), and even the support builds put out too much damage for thief to properly pressure (fb, some druids).

Balance is really just out of whack.

If you really want to play d/p thief, learn how to maximize bursts, blinds, interrupts, etc. to finish builds quickly. I haven't played d/p in a couple seasons, and I feel like it requires more knowledge of opponent builds than just relying on 5..2+steal, backstab...111 to get ez kills like you could for a good amount of HoT.

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