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Eve of the Mad King.

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I just completed a step today yet I didn't receive a gift or credit and the Achievement restarted to 1/5. I'm not sure why though I did right click all the chest pop ups instead of "opening" them like before.

If my math is off it still shouldn't read 1/5 because I've done the dailies every day since it started.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:If it shows 1/5 today after you completed the 3 required events, then you would have gotten a Mad King's Gift and AP the last time you completed 3. (If you were due the Gift, it would say 0/5.)Don't forget that it carries over year after year, so you would not necessarily have started at zero. I started with 3/5.

Even if I had carry over I should have gotten a gift at some point and I didn't that I saw. And yeah it says 1/5 now after I finished up the dailies today.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Then, you would not be due one today. Check other characters? Use gw2efficiency? Look for the weapons or the bag?If you continue to have issue, you can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below.

Good luck.

Yeah I don't have it. I'm wondering if right clicking the chests to automatically collect the contents had anything to do with it. I'm hesitant to send a ticket but after another check I will I suppose.

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