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Coming back after a very long time away


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So I have not played GW 2 in more than 2 or 3 years. Just wanting to know if A Necromancer would be a good choice as a returning new player, I remember playing dagger and another off hand back in the day,to get going and run through the old story and the first expansion? I will most likely just solo lvl and wait to pvp until much later.


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There are Living World story episodes between core and HoT and HoT and PoF, which you likely don't have many or possibly any of. It sounds like you have HoT (first expansion), but I'm not sure that you picked up PoF. In any case, following the story linearly would be a little difficult without further investment.

Without knowing where you left off and the levels, gear, etc., it's hard to make specific recommendations. Assuming that you have both expansions, I'd get a feel for the character that I liked the most once again. You could do that with some Core story or tackle some of HoT. It's worth getting glider started, just to have it. You'll find a lot of activity in PoF in the short term, but I think HoT will stay active for the large scale events (good experience with fair rewards). PoF will get you a mount early on, which will also enhance some adventuring in other areas.

I enjoy the Necro, but I don't main one. If that was your main, go back to it. I hope you still enjoy the character.

Most importantly, have fun! There's no shortage of things to see and do.

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I would say most any profession will be easy enough to get going in PvE, though there are definitely some changes from how things used to be.

The Storyline is now level gated, so you'll need to level to progress it. Weapon skills are also level gated, so instead of using a weapon to unlock its skills, you'll unlock them as you level up.Traits have been simplified, and can now be changed on a whim (outside of combat) without going to a Skill Trainer to reset them. Also, repairing armor no longer costs any coins, even if it was really cheap to repair armor back in the day.

Um.. Oh! Also, Hero Challenges (the spots you acquire Hero Points) are not accessible until any one character on your account has reached Level 11. From that point on, though, any character will be able to unlock them at any level.

I'm not sure what other information might be useful to know, but those are some of the main changes I noticed when coming back myself.

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